Recent content by stephen17202

  1. stephen17202

    Lyme and Igenex

    als diagnosis is a process of ruling things out. blood test for everything know to man kind, those electrode test, MRI, a course of IVIG( and we also did a nuclear batch of IV steriods), a course of antibiotics for lyme desease(our doc said "sure, go ahead, what could it hurt?") corrective disc...
  2. stephen17202

    ALS Lyme Connection, Personal Story

    one thing I have found about ALS is none of it is "typical". We were told nothing about my husbands was typical. The more educated I get on the subject to more I see every case is it's own. One common thread seems to be very healthy active individuals getting struck with ALS. Treatment for Lyme...
  3. stephen17202

    ALS Lyme Connection

    one thing I have found about ALS is none of it is "typical". We were told nothing about my husbands was typical. The more educated I get on the subject to more I see every case is it's own. One common thread seems to be very healthy active individuals getting struck with ALS. Treatment for Lyme...