Lyme Disease Community

Hello I just wanted to say that if the reason you think that you don't have it is because you got tested for it and it came back as negative, that doesn't mean that you don't have it. The most common test done for Lyme is the Western Blot which has an inefficacy rate of over 90%, so if someone has Lyme the test will almost never show it.
This can be very misleading for people because then they will wrongfully assume that they don't have the disease when in actuality they could have a full-blown case and not even know it or have that confirmed to them. Considering how prevalent and common Lyme disease unfortunately is, chances are you do still have the disease and if that's the case it would be important for you to acknowledge that.
Me telling this to you is not in any way to discourage you but to ensure that you aren't mislead according to a very unreliable and outdated test that's done.
If you do have Lyme then I would recommend trying to start taking Zinc, P5P and B6 which are very important nutrients that help detox and get rid of something called Pyrroles which are a byproduct of the Lyme spirochetes.